Pardons Canada – Court Rules Withdrawn Charges Can Stay on Record In the Ontario Court of Appeal today, a ruling was upheld allowing police to provide information to the public about criminal charges that were dismissed, withdrawn or acquitted. This has huge negative consequences for people in this situation who are trying to get a job, promotion or travel to the US. The truth…

Pardons Canada – Criminal Charges that are Withdrawn, Stayed, Dismissed or Acquitted Can be Removed from Public Record There has been a lot of press about a recent court ruling that allows police to keep and share criminal records even after they have been dismissed, withdrawn, stayed or acquitted from court. More than 30 per cent of cases in the country are dropped without any criminal conviction, according to Statistics Canada. In…

Pardons Canada – Crossing the US Border with a Conditional or Absolute Discharge Many people who have been charged with a conditional or absolute discharge whether it was for theft, assault, pot possession or other criminal offences, believe that their criminal record is automatically removed over a period of time. THIS IS WRONG We get countless phone calls from people who are shocked that their criminal record…

Pardons Canada – A criminal record does exist in cases of peace bonds, absolute and conditional discharges, stayed, withdrawn and dismissed charges There are many people who have been charged with a criminal record and are uncertain about the negative implications it will have in their life. Many believe that lesser charges like absolute or conditional discharges, stayed, withdrawn or dismissed charges will not affect their ability to get work and travel to the US.  THEY…

Pardons Canada – Government Processing Fees for Pardons May Rise Soon There has been a large increase in Pardons applications because most employers in Canada are running criminal checks on new employers and in some cases, existing employers.  This means that anyone with an old criminal record requires a Pardon if they want to be safe to get a job. Also, the Americans are becoming…

Pardons Canada – New Pardon Rules Affects Number of Applications A recent article in the Globe and Mail has reported a drop in Pardons applications (now called Record Suspensions). Error rates for Pardon applications has also increased from 25% to 45%.  In other words, there are many applications for Pardons/Record Suspensions that are being submitted but then rejected because mistakes are being made.  That…

Withdrawn Assault Charges Will Stay on Record

It is not uncommon that domestic assault charges can get dismissed, withdrawn, peace bonded, stayed, or discharged once the charges are brought to court. Many people are shocked to find out that withdrawn charges will stay on record and show up on a criminal background check.  What is a File Destruction? File destruction is a…