Pardons Canada – Beware of Online Pardon Agency Scammers Every year we hear of another Pardons agency that has gone out of business, leaving hundreds of applicants stranded. We have recently received many calls and emails from distressed customers of Express Pardons who recently shut its doors.  This is a particularly disturbing situation because Express Pardons spent tens of thousands of dollars on…

Pardons Canada – “Getting a Pardon for an assault charge now allows me to visit family in the US” We receive many calls from Canadians who cannot travel to the US because of an old criminal record.  Often this prevents them from visiting family or friends or attending special events in the US. If you have already been stopped at the US border, then you will require a US Entry Waiver or I-194…

Pardons Canada – Making Criminal Record Removal and US Entry Waiver Applications Easy “This is a letter of appreciation to Pardons Canada for the stupendous job that they have accomplished in gaining my official Pardon from the Federal Government of Canada.” “Anyone who has tried to obtain a Pardon by themselves quickly realizes the barrage of red tape and mountain of paperwork needed to go through for…