Pardons Canada – You Cannot Volunteer or Coach with a Criminal Record There are many reasons why people choose to obtain a pardon/record suspension. Mostly it is for employment or travel but often times volunteer positions and coaching for children’s sports teams now require a clean criminal background check. If you have a criminal record and even if the charges were withdrawn, dismissed, stayed, absolute or…

presenting at TRIAL LAWYERS Assosiation

Pardons Canada Review – Presentation at Criminal Lawyers Association in BC Pardons Canada has been helping Canadians to remove criminal records and obtain US Entry Waivers for over 25 years.  As a result of our experience and expertise we are often asked to speak at conferences across the country. Many criminal lawyers refer their Pardons/Record Suspensions work to Pardons Canada because the process takes a…

Withdrawn Assault Charges Will Stay on Record

It is not uncommon that domestic assault charges can get dismissed, withdrawn, peace bonded, stayed, or discharged once the charges are brought to court. Many people are shocked to find out that withdrawn charges will stay on record and show up on a criminal background check.  What is a File Destruction? File destruction is a…

Pardons Canada – How to obtain a US Entry Waiver or I-194 If you have a criminal record in Canada the American government may not allow you entry into their country. We receive hundreds of calls every month from Canadians who have been refused entry at the US border because of old criminal records.  Even criminal charges that have been dismissed, acquitted, withdrawn, absolute or conditional…

Pardons Canada – US border security crackdown continues to impact travellers with a criminal record The Americans are getting even stricter at the US border as we are receiving a flood of calls from people being turned away at the US border because of old criminal charges.  Even if the criminal charges were dismissed, withdrawn, stayed, conditional or absolute discharge, it is raising red flags at the border. A…

Pardons Canada – US Entry Visa Waiver (I-192, I-194) Required Even For a Temporary Stopover in the US Each day we recieve many calls from Canadians who have been refused entry to the US for old criminal charges.  Sometimes even the smallest charge (theft under) can be used as a reason to turn the person away at the US Border. Even if you have been fingerprinted for a criminal charge but the…

Pardons Canada – Denied Entry to US Because of Criminal Record? If you have a single criminal charge you can be turned away at the US Border, even if the charge has been withdrawn, dismissed, stayed, conditional or absolute discharged. Each day we receive many phone calls from Canadians who are in shock that they have been turned away at the US Border because of…