Pardons Canada – A Conditional Discharge Can Haunt You Well Beyond the Sentence Some people believe that a conditional discharge will simply disappear over time.  This is not the case.  Your fingerprints, photos, court and police records can stay on record until you apply for a File Destruction. The Americans do not distinguish between a suspended sentence, regular conviction or conditional or absolute discharge.  If they uncover…

Pardons Canada – Crossing the US Border with a Conditional or Absolute Discharge Many people believe that if they have received a conditional or absolute discharge for a criminal offence, then the charges will eventually “disappear” and they will never have to worry about it again in the future. This is WRONG, and we hear about it every day how criminal background checks for employment and travel…

Pardons Canada – Applying for Nexus with a Criminal Record Nexus allows easy access to the US through border control but in order to receive a Nexus card you cannot have a criminal record.  In fact, even if you were fingerprinted for a criminal offence and the charges were later withdrawn, stayed, dismissed, peace bond, absolute or conditional discharge, your Nexus application will likely…

Pardons Canada Review – How to Get a Pardon So That You Are Safe to Travel Many people are unaware of the fact that the Americans will deny you entry to the US if you have a criminal record.  You may have been able to cross the US border in the past but each time you cross it is a risk as the Americans do random criminal checks and if…

Pardons Canada: Assault charge withdrawn, can I travel to Mexico?

Visitor: I am inquiring whether I have travel restrictions related to a withdrawn assault charge this year.I was arrested and charged for assault with a weapon causing bodily harm in March 2020. Although I had a strong self defense case, I chose to pay restitution (negotiated between my lawyer and the lawyer of my ‘victim’)…