Pardons Canada – A Pardon Will Clear The Way to Get Canadian Citizenship There are many immigrants in Canada who wish to obtain their Canadian citizenship.  For those who have been charged with a criminal offence, even if the criminal charge was dismissed, stayed, withdrawn or absolute or conditional discharge, they could be prevented from obtaining Canadian citizenship. The good news is that once a Canada Pardon…

Pardons Canada – Receiving a Pardon for an Assault Charge Has Changed My Life Each day we help many Canadians obtain Canada Pardons for past criminal charges so that they can move forward in their life. Domestic Assault is perhaps the most common criminal charge in the country.  Even if the criminal charge has been dismissed, withdrawn, stayed, conditional or absolute discharged, the record of fingerprinting, photographs, court…

Pardons Canada – Getting a Pardon for a DUI (Impaired Driving, Over 80) in British Columbia (BC) Each day we help Canadians across the country to remove old criminal records with a Canada Pardon.  A DUI, also known as Impaired Driving or Blowing Over .08, or Refusal to Take a Breathalizer is among the most common criminal conviction in Canada. The negative consequences of having a DUI or any criminal record…