How To Lift A Weapons Ban in Canada

Understanding how to lift a weapons ban in Canada is crucial for Canadians hoping to regain their rights, particularly if they are interested in activities such as hunting. Weapons bans will significantly affect your ability to own or acquire firearms.  This guide provides a detailed exploration of the steps involved in possibly lifting such a…

Pardons Canada – Once a Pardon is granted one can pass a criminal check for work purposes These days its nearly impossible to get a job with a criminal record.  No matter how old it is or how “insignificant” the infraction was, if an employer sees a red flag on a criminal background check, they are likely to hire another candidate. Even if you have received a conditional or absolute discharge,…

Pardons Canada – “With the Pardon for my DUI, I can now apply to jobs without worrying about my criminal record.” Most employers in Canada are doing criminal background checks before hiring employees. If you have a criminal record, regardless of its severity (even conditional and absolute discharges as well as withdrawn, stayed, dismissed and acquitted charges) it has become much more difficult to get a good job. We help many Canadians obtain a Canada…

Pardons Canada – Removing a Criminal Record for “Positions of Trust” The reason most jobs require a criminal background check is because the employee is in a “position of trust”.  Obviously, having a criminal record, no matter what the offence, raises doubt in the eyes of an employer regarding the job applicant’s character. Even if your charges were dismissed, stayed, withdrawn or absolute or conditionally…