Pardons review

Pardons Canada Review – Removing Your Criminal Record, Your Career Depends on It We often receive thank you letters from people we have helped to obtain a pardon/record suspension or US Entry Waiver. In many cases, a person’s career depends on the fact that they do not have a criminal record.  Depending on the employer, this could be for bonding or insurance purposes or traveling to the…

Pardons Canada: Are Fingerprints Required for Canadian Citizenship?

In 2018, Canada rolled out new legislation for those looking to gain access to the country. Now, biometrics are required whenever people apply for a work permit, study permit, visitor visa, or permanent residence. Biometrics include fingerprints and photos taken for identification purposes. Biometrics are used to: Confirm your identity  Prevent someone else from stealing…

Pardons Canada – US Customs Are Getting Even More Strict About Crossing US Border with a Criminal Record It seems like the US Department of Homeland Security is getting even more strict at the US border than ever before. We are receiving hundreds of calls and emails from people being questioned at the US border if they have ever been charged with a criminal offence. The question is tricky because if you…

Pardons Canada – A DUI, Impaired Driving Conviction Can Create Life Obstacles We help many Canadians each month to remove criminal records, and DUI (Impaired Driving, and “Over 80”) are among the most common criminal convictions. So many people are NOT aware of the negative impact a criminal record can have on your life, especially when it comes to employment and travel.  Not to mention, the…

Pardons Canada – Applying for Nexus with a Criminal Record Nexus allows easy access to the US through border control but in order to receive a Nexus card you cannot have a criminal record.  In fact, even if you were fingerprinted for a criminal offence and the charges were later withdrawn, stayed, dismissed, peace bond, absolute or conditional discharge, your Nexus application will likely…