pardons canada reviews

Pardons Canada Review – Applying for Uber with a Criminal Record Many people want to take advantage of earning extra income by working for Uber.  Whether it is for a part time position or full time driving position with Uber, you will be subject to a criminal background check before getting hired. If you have a criminal conviction or have even been fingerprinted by the…

pardons canada review

Pardons Canada Review – Remove DUI to be Safe to Travel In Canada, a DUI or Impaired Driving conviction is considered to be a criminal offence.  Other similar driving convictions include Driving with Over 80 miligrams, Care and Control of a Motor Vehicle, Driving While Ability Impaired, Refusal to Provide a Breathe Sample are all considered criminal convictions.  You will have been fingerprinted by the…

Pardons Canada – Step 1 In Removing a Criminal Record If you have been fingerprinted by the police then you will need to get the fingerprints removed so that you are safe for employment and travel. If the charges were withdrawn, dismissed, stayed, diversion, peace bond or absolute or conditional discharge then this is considered a non-conviction.  However, even if this is a non-conviction,…

Pardons Canada: Do I Need a US Waiver for the Rest of My Life?

Visitor: In 1993 I was charged under Section 212(a)(6)(C)(i) “You are an immigrant not in possession of a valid unexpired immigrant visa, reentry permit, border crossing identification card, or other valid entry documents.  You are an alien who has willfully misrepresented material facts in order to gain admission to the United States.” A quick background summary:…