Pardons Canada – NEXUS Will Be Denied With Any Past Criminal Involvement Each day we get a number of calls or emails from people who are shocked to find out that the Americans know about their criminal charges even though in most cases, the charges were either withdrawn, dismissed, stayed, absolute or conditionally discharged. A criminal check done by NEXUS will indeed turn up any criminal…

Pardons Canada – Getting a Pardon in Canada and Becoming a Successful Author Criminal justice system success stories are all around us, though as a society, we don’t often hear about them, do we? Not nearly enough, in my opinion, but perhaps I’m biased, since I’m one of them. These days, the focus seems to be lasered-in on the rush to success, living your life, having a…

Fraud Under $5000

Fraud Under $5000

What is fraud under $5000? When it comes to criminal activity, one way to distinguish one type of crime from another is through “class.” This measuring system is applied to acts with a strong financial nature; they don’t necessarily involve violence or theft in the traditional sense and are often referred to as “white collar…

Pardons Canada – A Withdrawn Charge Can Still Show Up on CPIC or an RCMP File The following email we received from a person who was fingerprinted by the police but the charges were later withdrawn.  Even though the charges are withdrawn, the fingerprints can still show up on a criminal background check, which can haunt you for the rest of your life until you apply for a file destruction…