Pardons Canada – Bill C-23B Proposal for Changes to Pardon Legislation Being Debated This Month The Federal Government is currently proposing some significant changes to the Pardon legislation that could make it harder to get pardons and that is trying to eliminate the word “pardon” and replace it with “record suspension.” Pardons Canada is currently working closely with government officials at the committee level to oppose certain proposed changes…

Pardons Canada Review – How To Remove a Criminal Record in Ontario When you are fingerprinted for a criminal offence, even if the charge was later withdrawn, dismissed, stayed, peace bond, or discharged then the prints can be seen in a criminal background check and could interfere with employment and travel. Many people think that if they win in court, in other words, if the charges…

Pardons Canada – Having a Conditional Discharge Can Impede Getting Employment We have many people call us who have a conditional or absolute discharge, stayed, withdrawn or dismissed criminal charges. Often, they believe that because of the nature of the punishment that they do not have a criminal record. This is not entirely true. If you have been given a conditional or absolute discharge or…

Pardons Canada – Delays in RCMP Reports Highlight Absolute, Conditional Discharge, Stayed, Withdrawn and Dismissed Criminal Charges We help hundreds of Canadians each week to remove old criminal records by way of a Canada Pardon.  Part of the process in obtaining the Pardon is to obtain an RCMP file which highlights all the criminal convictions and charges for the applicant. An RCMP file, which is the file used by employers to…

Pardons Canada – Removing a Criminal Record for “Positions of Trust” The reason most jobs require a criminal background check is because the employee is in a “position of trust”.  Obviously, having a criminal record, no matter what the offence, raises doubt in the eyes of an employer regarding the job applicant’s character. Even if your charges were dismissed, stayed, withdrawn or absolute or conditionally…