Pardons Canada Review – Remove Criminal Record to Obtain Citizenship There are many reasons people want to remove a criminal record apart from employment and travel purposes.  Oftentimes, in order to obtain your Canadian citizenship you cannot have a past criminal record.  Once a pardon or record suspension is granted, then the criminal record is no longer available to the public and you can…

Pardons Canada – Getting a Pardon in Canada and Becoming a Successful Author Criminal justice system success stories are all around us, though as a society, we don’t often hear about them, do we? Not nearly enough, in my opinion, but perhaps I’m biased, since I’m one of them. These days, the focus seems to be lasered-in on the rush to success, living your life, having a…

Pardons Canada – Removing a Criminal Charge that Was Stayed or Withdrawn A recent news article highlights the fact that over 40 percent of all criminal charges in Ontario are stayed or withdrawn.  This compared to only 9 percent in Quebec. If you also include absolute or conditional discharge the numbers are even higher. Many people believe that if their criminal charge is stayed or withdrawn…

Pardons Canada – Immigrants who are charged with domestic assault can be a result of different cultures We help many people each week obtain a Canada Pardon for domestic assault.  Often the assault charge is a result of a heated dispute to which the police were called to the scene.  In many cases, the charges are later withdrawn, stayed, dismissed, peace bond, absolute or conditionally discharged. In all these situations, even…

Pardons Canada – A Withdrawn Charge Can Still Show Up on CPIC or an RCMP File The following email we received from a person who was fingerprinted by the police but the charges were later withdrawn.  Even though the charges are withdrawn, the fingerprints can still show up on a criminal background check, which can haunt you for the rest of your life until you apply for a file destruction…