Pardons Canada Review – Remove Criminal Record to Obtain Citizenship There are many reasons people want to remove a criminal record apart from employment and travel purposes.  Oftentimes, in order to obtain your Canadian citizenship you cannot have a past criminal record.  Once a pardon or record suspension is granted, then the criminal record is no longer available to the public and you can…

Pardons Canada – Crossing the US Border with old criminal convictions – An Insider’s View We receive many calls from Canadians who have been turned away at the US Border for having an old criminal record.  Once refused entry, you require an I-192 or I-194 US Entry Waiver to return to the US.  The application process is costly and time consuming. Even if you have been charged for a…

Pardons Canada – US Border Security Tightens Rules on Canadians With Criminal Records Many people are unaware that if you have a criminal record or have been charged for a criminal offence you can get denied entry at the US border.  The Americans do random criminal checks at each border and they continue to increase their dilligence in this regard. Even if the criminal offence was minor…

Pardons Canada – Crossing the US Border with a Conditional or Absolute Discharge Many people who have been charged with a conditional or absolute discharge whether it was for theft, assault, pot possession or other criminal offences, believe that their criminal record is automatically removed over a period of time. THIS IS WRONG We get countless phone calls from people who are shocked that their criminal record…

Pardons Canada – Removing a Criminal Charge that Was Stayed or Withdrawn A recent news article highlights the fact that over 40 percent of all criminal charges in Ontario are stayed or withdrawn.  This compared to only 9 percent in Quebec. If you also include absolute or conditional discharge the numbers are even higher. Many people believe that if their criminal charge is stayed or withdrawn…

Pardons Canada – Bill C-23B Proposal for Changes to Pardon Legislation Being Debated This Month The Federal Government is currently proposing some significant changes to the Pardon legislation that could make it harder to get pardons and that is trying to eliminate the word “pardon” and replace it with “record suspension.” Pardons Canada is currently working closely with government officials at the committee level to oppose certain proposed changes…

Pardons Canada – Helping Canadians Remove Criminal Records and Obtain US Entry Waivers Since 1991 Every day we receive thank you letters from people that we have helped to obtain a Canada Pardon or US Entry Waiver (I-194). We feel so grateful that we live in a country that gives its citizens a second chance in life.  Especially because most employers and volunteer organizations are running criminal background checks…

Pardons Canada – Americans Denied Entry to Canada due to Criminal Record A recent article was written about how the Canadian airlines resent having to shoulder the fee of returning passengers coming to Canada who have a criminal record. If you are an American traveler with a criminal record and wish to enter Canada you will need to obtain a special clearance known as a…

Pardons Canada – Traveling to the US once a Pardon is Granted If you have a criminal record in Canada, you can be denied entry to the US.  Even if the criminal charges have been withdrawn, dismissed, stayed, conditional or absolute discharged, you may be questioned at the US border and denied entry. If you are denied entry to the US you will require a I-192…

Pardons Canada – “Having a criminal record denied me the simple right to travel to the US to take my kids to Disney” If you have a criminal record, no matter how small the charge, the US government has the right to deny you entry to the US. Even if your criminal charges were dismissed, stayed, withdrawn or absolute and conditionally discharged, you may still be denied entry. Its interesting that many people who call us to…

Pardons Canada – Immigrants who are charged with domestic assault can be a result of different cultures We help many people each week obtain a Canada Pardon for domestic assault.  Often the assault charge is a result of a heated dispute to which the police were called to the scene.  In many cases, the charges are later withdrawn, stayed, dismissed, peace bond, absolute or conditionally discharged. In all these situations, even…