Most people who call us to remove a criminal record are calling because they have discovered that the criminal record has impeded them from something in their lives currently. Often the reasons for getting a Pardon are for employment or travel opportunities but there are many other ways a criminal record can get in the way including volunteering.
Even if your criminal record is really old or if you have been charged but the charges were dismissed, withdrawn, stayed or conditional or absolute discharge, it will still show up on a criminal background check.
It is important to take the necessary steps to remove your criminal record from public record so that you can be free to live your life without the worry of it coming back to haunt you.
Here is a letter we recently received from a client we helped to obtain a Canada Pardon for a theft charge 20 years ago:
“I had a situation where a lawyer informed me to plead guilty or else it would cost me years in court to try to settle a case that she thought that I would lose anyhow.”
“So a frightened 20 yr. old, I agreed with her, not realizing that I would receive a criminal record as a result.”
“I only realized the implication of that old charge when I applied to volunteer for the school board and couldn’t do so due to that 20 year old charge.”
“Thank you Pardons Canada for all the work that you accomplished to allow me to enjoy a life without worries.”
If you have any questions regarding this topic or about Pardons and US Entry Waivers email us at [email protected] or call 1-877-929-6011.