Criminal Record & Travelling

Travelling is both easier and harder to do for Canadians in the 21st century. On the one hand, the infrastructure to travel, like cars, trains, and planes, is better than ever. Trips to the other side of the world that once took months and put people at physical and medical risk can now be undertaken…

Pardons & Waivers Canada

With travel tensions in the United States at an all-time high, gaining access to the country for work or play isn’t always guaranteed, even for Canadians who are living just across the border. There are more thorough inspections and requirements to meet at the border and in international airports. In order to make sure that…

Pardons Canada – Will Pot Offences Be Pardoned? With the new pot laws coming into effect this month, many people are wondering how people with old pot convictions will be treated.  The truth is, most of the people with pot convictions could have already received a pardon if they had applied since they only have to be out of trouble for five…

Pardons Canada – Step 1 In Removing a Criminal Record If you have been fingerprinted by the police then you will need to get the fingerprints removed so that you are safe for employment and travel. If the charges were withdrawn, dismissed, stayed, diversion, peace bond or absolute or conditional discharge then this is considered a non-conviction.  However, even if this is a non-conviction,…

How to Apply for a US Waiver

Travel is one of the elements of modern, 21st-century Canadian living that can be very productive both personally and professionally. It’s an aspect of life that can be advantageous for one very big reason: the United States. While both countries enjoy some of the highest standards of living in the world, as well as democratic…

Pardons Canada Review – Relief of Clearing A Criminal Record

We receive hundreds of emails and mails from people we have helped to remove criminal records either by a file destruction for withdrawn, stayed, dismissed and discharges and pardons or record suspensions for convictions including fraud, theft, DUI, assault, drug trafficking, uttering threats to name a few examples. Here is a recent thank you email…

Pardon Application Guide

There is the old saying that everyone deserves a second chance. It’s based on the belief that just because someone makes a mistake, that does not mean the mistake should be held against them forever. People who fail a driver’s test, for example, should be allowed to retake it. Even people who break the legal…

Pardons Canada – How to Pardon a Cannabis Offence Pardons Canada has been an active voice in the fight for pardons for cannabis offences.  If you have been in trouble with the police for pot, marijuanna, cannabis or any other controlled substance then you have a criminal record even if the offence was withdrawn, stayed, dismissed, or discharged. If you have a criminal…

Record Suspension Application – What can a record suspension do for you

In life, everyone makes mistakes, experiences the consequences of those mistakes, and, hopefully, learns from them. But some errors are relatively minor, with trivial outcomes, like getting on the wrong train in an unfamiliar subway system. Other mistakes, however, can have lasting consequences that can haunt a person for years. Committing a crime is one…

Stay of Charges – Everything You need to Know

The general understanding of the legal and court system in Canada is that once a person is arrested and charged, there is eventually a trial. It is at this trial that the most familiar outcomes for the public are determined: guilty or innocent. But while a verdict of guilty with appropriate punishment, or an acquittal…

Fraud Under $5000

What is fraud under $5000? When it comes to criminal activity, one way to distinguish one type of crime from another is through “class.” This measuring system is applied to acts with a strong financial nature; they don’t necessarily involve violence or theft in the traditional sense and are often referred to as “white collar…