Pardons Canada – Declined for Job Because of Peace Bond We receive many calls and emails from people who are in shock that their criminal charge showed up in a criminal check.  They are surprised because in many cases the charge was withdrawn, stayed, dismissed, peace bond, absolute or conditionally discharged, yet it still showed up when the criminal check was done. If you…

Pardons Canada – How a Peace Bond Can Interfere with Employment Assault is the most common criminal charge in Canada.  Often, once the case goes to court the charges are withdrawn, stayed, peace bond, absolute or conditional discharged. In many cases, a full conviction is given and it can be considered a summary or indictable offence depending on the severity of the situation. Many people…

Pardons Canada – A Criminal Record Will Interfere with Citizenship There are many people living in Canada who do not yet have their Canadian Citizenship.  Many have landed or permanent residence papers and are in the process of getting their citizenship which takes time. If you are charged with a criminal offence or even fingerprinted by the police and the charge was later dismissed,…

Pardons Canada – Beware of Online Pardon Agency Scammers Every year we hear of another Pardons agency that has gone out of business, leaving hundreds of applicants stranded. We have recently received many calls and emails from distressed customers of Express Pardons who recently shut its doors.  This is a particularly disturbing situation because Express Pardons spent tens of thousands of dollars on…

Pardons Canada – Obtaining a Record Suspension Can Be Complicated There are many steps that are required to process a pardon/record suspension and it can often be complicated. Since the Harper government changed the pardons laws in March 2012 under Bill C10, there are more hurdles to cross before the pardon/record suspension is granted. The demand for pardons has increased dramatically since every employer…

Pardons Canada – Backlog for Pardons Causing Delays Ever since the Federal Government changed the laws governing Pardons in Canada under Bill C-10, there has been a backlog of applications that have yet to be processed. This delay is unfortunate because most people who are applying for Pardons or Record Suspensions are in need of the Pardon for employment or travel purposes. …

Pardons Canada – Harper Government Seeks to Further Tighten Pardons Rules The Harper Government made some sweeping changes to the Pardons Rules in March 2012 under the Omnibus Crime Bill C-10.  Since that time we have continued to help Canadians obtain Pardons in Canada under the stricter laws. Thankfully, the government is still giving pardons (now called record suspensions) which has the affect of removing…