Pardons Canada – The Brutal Consequences of Having a DUI Many people call us asking to help them obtain Pardons for a DUI or Impaired Driving charge.  It is one of the most common criminal charges in Canada and the consequences can be devastating. Most people are interested in getting a Pardon for a DUI or Impaired Driving so that they can move forward…

Pardons Canada – Attention all transport workers, a TWIC will be required and you will need to pass a criminal record check A new federal regulation has been imposed for all employees who have unescorted access to secure areas of maritime facilities and vessels regulated by the MTSA (Maritime Transportation Security Act). This will affect about 1.2 million Canadian employees who will now require a TWIC (Transportation Worker Identification Credential) for their job. If you have…

An Absolute Discharge Does Not Mean “Not Guilty”

For many Canadians, the term “absolute discharge” can be confusing. It’s often misunderstood to mean the same as “not guilty.” However, an absolute discharge is a specific legal outcome that, while resulting in no further penalties, can still leave a record in the system that may cause issues in the future. Understanding what an absolute…

Pardons Canada – Getting a Pardon for a DUI Among the most common criminal charges in Canada is a DUI also known as Impaired Driving.  There are over 70,000 convictions nationwide each year and likely another countless thousands that were charged (fingerprinted and photographed) but not convicted. When employers run a criminal background check they will see this conviction and even the non-conviction…

Pardons Canada – A criminal record does exist in cases of peace bonds, absolute and conditional discharges, stayed, withdrawn and dismissed charges There are many people who have been charged with a criminal record and are uncertain about the negative implications it will have in their life. Many believe that lesser charges like absolute or conditional discharges, stayed, withdrawn or dismissed charges will not affect their ability to get work and travel to the US.  THEY…

Pardons Canada – A Petty Theft Can Come Back to Haunt You We receive hundreds of thank you letters each month from people whom we’ve helped to obtain a Canada Pardon or US Entry Waiver (I-194). Many of the criminal records are very old and have come back to haunt the person in one way or another.  Usually the criminal record is discovered in a criminal…