Pardons Canada – Assault Charges Can Be Pardoned Assault is probably the most common criminal charge and it often happens in the blink of an eye at a very stressful moment in a person’s life. Its not right that a person has to suffer from this mistake for the rest of their lives with the burden of a criminal record. Here is…

Pardons Canada – Get a Pardon then Get a Good Job There are many people who are having trouble getting a job because of an old criminal record.  Often they are not aware that a Canada Pardon will clear their old record so that they can get a job. Here is a letter we recently received from a client we helped to get a Canada…

Pardons Canada – Getting a Pardon for Impaired Driving Getting an impaired driving charge can really impact the life of the offender. We help many people who have been in this unfortunate position and thankfully, a Canadian Pardon offers them a second chance. Here is a letter we recently received from a client who we helped to get a Canada Pardon for an…

Please Pardon, Pardons Canada Helping Impaired Drivers Everyone makes mistakes.  Even our own organization which has been helping Canadians remove criminal records for the past twenty years is not immune from making a mistake. The Toronto Sun recently ran a full page article on Pardons Canada titled “Please Pardon, Pardons Canada”.  The article highlights the fact that we accidentally sent an…

Pardons Canada – Attention Pot Smokers Travelling to the US We get many calls from people who have old pot possession charges on their criminal record. These old criminal charges prevent people from travelling to the US as the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will not tolerate Canadians entering their country with drug convictions, no matter how small and insignificant. Many have not been…

Pardons Canada – Is Your Criminal Record Haunting You? Every day we speak to people who feel that their criminal record is haunting them. Even if the criminal record is old, they tell us that they feel it is sitting on their shoulders like a signpost saying “look at me, I have a criminal record, shame on me”. Here is a story that…