Pardons Canada – Step 1 In Removing a Criminal Record If you have been fingerprinted by the police then you will need to get the fingerprints removed so that you are safe for employment and travel. If the charges were withdrawn, dismissed, stayed, diversion, peace bond or absolute or conditional discharge then this is considered a non-conviction.  However, even if this is a non-conviction,…

Pardons Canada – Removing Pot Possession Criminal Record in Canada With the legalization of marijuana in Canada, many people are wondering what will happen to the hundreds of thousands of Canadians that have a criminal record for pot possession or any other marijuana and cannabis offence. Having this criminal record for pot possession creates huge obstacles in a person’s life.  Particularly when it comes…

Pardons Canada – Impaired Driving or DUI Rules Have Changed in Alberta Impaired driving also known as drunk driving, DUI, driving over .08 miligrams, or driving while ability impaired is among the most common criminal offences in Canada. Many people don’t even know that its a criminal offence and once convicted will stay on your criminal record forever until a pardon or record suspension is granted. …

Pardons Canada Review – Remove Criminal Record to Be Safe for Employment by Obtaining a Pardon or Record Suspension There are many reasons why having a criminal record can hold you back in your life but the biggest obstacle is usually employment.  In Canada, most employers conduct criminal background checks and if they see that you have a criminal record they will likely not hire you as there are many other candidates applying…

pardons canada review

Pardons Canada Review – Remove DUI to be Safe to Travel In Canada, a DUI or Impaired Driving conviction is considered to be a criminal offence.  Other similar driving convictions include Driving with Over 80 miligrams, Care and Control of a Motor Vehicle, Driving While Ability Impaired, Refusal to Provide a Breathe Sample are all considered criminal convictions.  You will have been fingerprinted by the…