Pardons Canada – Americans Denied Entry to Canada due to Criminal Record A recent article was written about how the Canadian airlines resent having to shoulder the fee of returning passengers coming to Canada who have a criminal record. If you are an American traveler with a criminal record and wish to enter Canada you will need to obtain a special clearance known as a…

pardons reviews

Pardons Canada Review – Removing a Criminal Record To Be Safe for Travel to US Each month we receive many emails and thank you letters from people we have helped to remove a criminal record by way of pardon, record suspension, file destruction. The following letter comes from a person living in Edmonton who had a petty theft conviction from over 25 years ago.  The person lived with this…

Pardons Canada Review- Remove Your Criminal Record and Be Safe to Travel to the US We help many people each day to obtain a Pardon or Record Suspension to remove an old criminal record.  Even if you have multiple charges as is the case in the attached example, one Pardon will take care of all the charges. Once the criminal records are removed by way of Pardon or Record…

Pardons Canada – Letter to NEXUS Members From the President of CBSA We receive many calls and emails from people applying for NEXUS who have an old criminal charge and are concerned it will get in the way of the application. Even if you have been fingerprinted by the police and the charges were later withdrawn, dismissed, stayed, peace bond, absolute or conditional discharge, the criminal…