We help many people each day obtain a Canada Pardon for old criminal convictions. Assault, usually domestic, is among the most common criminal convictions. Other Assault related crimes include Assault with a weapon and Assault causing bodily harm.
If you have been out of trouble for enough time, depending on the offence you may obtain a Canada Pardon so that your criminal conviction will not be available for public record.
We receive many thank you letters each week from people we have helped to obtain a Canada Pardon, and they are often so relieved to have the label of being a criminal removed from their lives.
Here is a letter we recently received from a person we helped to obtain a Canada Pardon for a Domestic Assault:
“For 15 years I lived with guilt and shame just like a prisoner. I was down and sad all the time, especially last year in July, it broke my heart that I couldn’t go to Florida with my son.”
“I was suffering from depression, that even stopped me from getting married. I was afraid someone may find out about my criminal past. Basically I lived alone in Hell all these years.”
“But now, when I heard from Pardons Canada that my criminal record would be clear, I was so excited and joyful like a new person in the world.”
“Now I can go anywhere that I want to and I am a free man. Now I know the value of freedom which is absolutely priceless.”
“Your hard work and effort finally paid off and you have made me and my family very happy.”
If you have any questions regarding this topic or about Pardons and US Entry Waivers email us at [email protected] or call 1-877-929-6011.