Having a criminal record can have many negative affects on a person’s life. Every day we speak to people who are having difficulty in their lives because of an old criminal record that continues to haunt them.
Here is an example from a person we recently helped to get a Canada Pardon:
“I worked for $6/hour at a number of jobs that were very hard just to survive. I worked between 2-3 jobs at a time.”
“I turned to drugs & alcohol, which made life even harder.”
“I was always struggling or getting hurt at work but I had to keep working even though I was hurt.”
“I couldn’t get a job at McDonalds cause I had a criminal record. I took a truck driving course that cost $7500, but went bankrupt because I couldn’t get a job with any truck driving company due to my criminal record.”
“Part of the course was to go to the states for a few weeks, but I had to find a job cause I couldn’t cross the border.”
“Now that I have a Canada Pardon, I have more employers trying to hire me than I can count. Employers from out west want to fly me out to have me work for them. I have a great truck driving job, not to mention that I make almost triple what I’m used to making, and I’m looking into getting into the army as a transport driver.”
“I have an endless amount of possibilities with no criminal record. I am living my dream with a career I love, and it just keeps getting better! I get paid to travel to Canada and the US.”
If you have any questions regarding this topic or about Pardons and US Entry Waivers email us at [email protected] or call 1-877-929-6011.