Many people who call us seeking a Canada Pardon are truly regretful of their past actions and mistakes.
They carry the burden of having a criminal record for many years and it can take a toll emotionally and mentally.
The sense of relief people feel once the criminal charges are removed with a Canada Pardon can be incredible.
We receive many thank you letters from people who we have helped to obtain a Canada Pardon so that they can move forward in their lives with a greater sense of freedom and self assurance. Here is one example:
“Knowing that my criminal record is no longer existent gives me confidence and allows me to see myself as a mature and responsible adult.”
“Just the thought of knowing I had a criminal record brought me down in the past. I felt that the criminal record did not reflect who I truly was. I did not want my family to view me as a person who has gone against the law.”
“I am a parent and I want to be a role model to my children and teach them that adults should be responsible, cautious and law abiding. I want to teach them that Canada gives us much opportunity and rights and to give back, we must live in a civilized manner where everyone is following the law so that no harm is done to anyone.”
“I am certainly appreciative of Pardons Canada for giving me the chance to change my life in a positive way.”
If you have any questions regarding this topic or about Pardons and US Entry Waivers email us at [email protected] or call 1-877-929-6011.