We receive many calls and emails each day from people who have an old criminal record that has unexpectedly come back to haunt them. Usually its an employer running a criminal background check, or its the American customs officer doing a routine criminal check.
The consequences for having a criminal record can mean loss of a job or being turned away at the US border.
Even if you have been fingerprinted for a criminal charge that has later been withdrawn, stayed, dismissed, conditional or absolute discharge, it will show up on a criminal background check.
Here is an email we recieved which is typical of the issues we see facing people who have old criminal records to which they have not obtained a Canada Pardon:
“My employer recently did a criminal record check and the response back is saying that I need to get fingerprints done because with my name and driver’s license it was “not clear”. ”
“I do have a criminal record for theft over from approximately 17 years ago. I have been with this company now for eight months. They did advise me that if it comes back that I have a record I will be fired from the company.”
“If I do get my file started will a letter from Pardons Canada stop them from firing me? Please advise.”
You do not want to be caught in this situation like the individual above. If you do have a criminal record, its imperative that you obtain a Canada Pardon as soon as possible. Bill C23 is a recent Bill passed in the legislature that has made it more difficult in certain situations to obtain a Canada Pardon.
If you have any questions regarding this topic or about Pardons and US Entry Waivers email us at [email protected] or call 1-877-929-6011.