Having a criminal record can be a huge emotional burden and many people carry the burden for a long time before seeking a solution. Even if the person is gainfully employed, they feel that the criminal record is a weight on their shoulders and that everyone can see it. Also, their freedom is hindered because they feel they cannot travel to the US and an employer can do a background check and see the criminal record.
Once a Pardon or Record Suspension is obtained, there is a tremendous feeling of relief that the criminal record is no longer available to be seen by the public. Now the person can travel without worry of being denied and also get employment without the fear of being rejected because of the criminal record.
We receive hundreds of thank you letters each month expressing the gratitude and relief that people feel once the Pardon or Record Suspension is granted. Here is a recent example of a thank you letter from a person we helped to obtain a Record Suspension for a petty theft conviction over 10 years ago: