We lecture across the country about the importance of removing old criminal records with a Canadian Pardon so that you can move forward in your lives.
Here is a recent thank you letter from a Correctional School called Brookside:
“You certainly captured the students’ interest and kept reinforcing key points: how much having a criminal record can come back to haunt the future, and the importance of making the decision to get out of the criminal lifestyle.”
“Your examples of members of motorcycle gangs getting sick of a criminal life and wanting a regular life were particularly telling.”
“This is a message we are constantly reinforcing with our students and your down to earth presentation of these facts was very powerful.”
“More important, you offered hope: that it is possible to leave the criminal lifestyle, that it is possible to remove a criminal record, that it is possible to move on to a regular and satisfying life.”
“Certainly, more than one who heard you may have done some reflection and may have made the decision to get out of the criminal lifestyle. And, as we say, if even one does, then it was worth it.”
Louise, Vice Principal
If you have any questions regarding this topic or about Pardons and US Entry Waivers email us at [email protected] or call 1-877-929-6011.