Visitor: So my story is that I was an addict about 12 years ago. I was arrested probably close to 50 times that year. The last time I was arrested, I was able to get into the Calgary drug treatment court program. I spent almost 2 years in the program and graduated. My grad date was January 24th 2014. On that day I pleaded guilty to all charges and was given time served as I completed the program.
I’ve since been clean (around 9 years) since then I’ve had 3 kids, got married and bought a house. Since graduation I’ve had 2 jobs, my current job I’ve been at for 3 years and am currently enrolled in 2nd year sheetmetal course at SAIT.
I’m enquiring on a pardon or a record suspension as I’ve herd if a person has stayed out of trouble for long enough, maybe a suspension would be possible before the 10 year mark.
I mostly have thefts and breaches on my record. Summary and inditable. Nothing crazy like robberies or assaults.
Pardons Canada: One pardon will remove all of your offences as long as you’ve served your punishment and paid any outstanding fines. Your eligibility for the pardon or record suspension is five years from the end of your punishment assuming your last offence was a summary conviction.