Some of our clients are immigrants to Canada who have refugee or landed immigrant status. Their dream is to become a Canadian Citizen but they can’t because of a criminal record.
Oftentimes, they are unaware of the laws and customs in their new country and as a result, will break the law unknowingly.
Here is a recent letter we received from a client:
“As one who came to Canada as a refugee in 1990, becoming a Canadian citizen is the most important thing to me. Until I get my citizenship, I feel like a non-person, belonging nowhere, constantly living in fear and re-living my old nightmares.”
“In fact, the stress of living like this has led to depression and illness which actually contributed indirectly to my having a criminal record. And it is because of this criminal record that I have not got my citizenship yet.”
“I can only hope and pray that now that I have been granted this Pardon, the powers that be will see fit to grant me the privilege of being a Canadian so that I can get on with my life.”
“This was my wish when I arrived here, and it is still my only desire.”
If you have any questions regarding this topic or about Pardons and US Entry Waivers email us at [email protected] or call 1-877-929-6011.