Pardons Canada – Delays in RCMP Reports Highlight Absolute, Conditional Discharge, Stayed, Withdrawn and Dismissed Criminal Charges We help hundreds of Canadians each week to remove old criminal records by way of a Canada Pardon.  Part of the process in obtaining the Pardon is to obtain an RCMP file which highlights all the criminal convictions and charges for the applicant. An RCMP file, which is the file used by employers to…

Pardons Canada – NEXUS Applications Denied If You Have Been Criminally Charged We receive a lot of calls from people who have been denied a NEXUS card because they have been fingerprinted in the past for a criminal charge. If your charge was dismissed, withdrawn, stayed, conditional or absolute discharged, the Americans WILL still see that you have been fingerprinted and in most cases will deny…

Pardons Canada – Peace Bond for Assault Charges Will Show Up on Criminal Checks We have recieved numerous calls from people who were in shock that a Peace Bond was showing up in a criminal check conducted by an employer or US Customs officer. If you have been fingerprinted for an assault or uttering threats charge, and the charges were later stayed, dismissed, withdrawn, peace bond, absolute or…

Pardons Canada – Conditional Discharge and Absolute Discharge for Domestic Assault Assault is among the most common criminal charge in Canada.  Often times it occurs when a fight has gotten out of hand and the police are called to the scene.  In many cases, the person who called the police did so in the heat of the moment and did not wish to lay charges. …

Pardons Canada – Crossing the US Border with old criminal convictions – An Insider’s View We receive many calls from Canadians who have been turned away at the US Border for having an old criminal record.  Once refused entry, you require an I-192 or I-194 US Entry Waiver to return to the US.  The application process is costly and time consuming. Even if you have been charged for a…

Pardons Canada – Receiving a Pardon for an Assault Charge Has Changed My Life Each day we help many Canadians obtain Canada Pardons for past criminal charges so that they can move forward in their life. Domestic Assault is perhaps the most common criminal charge in the country.  Even if the criminal charge has been dismissed, withdrawn, stayed, conditional or absolute discharged, the record of fingerprinting, photographs, court…

Pardons Canada – Canada’s Crime Rate Falls in 2009 Each year Statistics Canada comes out with information regarding crime in Canada.  In 2009, there were over 2.1 Million crime related reports to the police.  This does not mean that 2.1 Million people got into trouble with the police. The top three convictions were Impaired Driving or DUI, Assault and Theft Under 5000. Many…

Travelling to the US Once a Pardon is Granted

For Canadians with a criminal record, travelling to the United States can be stressful. Criminal charges, even those withdrawn or dismissed, can lead to complications at the US border, often resulting in denied entry. Obtaining a Canadian pardon offers hope, helps to seal a criminal record and potentially opens the door to smoother travel experiences.…