Information About DUI in Ontario

Known largely by the American moniker DUI—an acronym for driving under the influence—impaired driving is the charge you’ll face in Canada and Ontario if you’re caught operating a motor vehicle (this includes cars and trucks, boats, off-road vehicles, and snowmobiles) under the influence of alcohol. In Canada, it’s a criminal offense to drive if you’ve…

Pardons Canada Review – The Relief of Removing a DUI or Impaired Driving Conviction DUI, Impaired Driving, Drunk Driving, Care and Control, Refusal to provide a breath sample, are among the most common criminal convictions in Canada.  There are over 80,000 DUI convictions in Canada each year. Some incidents are more severe than others ranging from if an accident was involved and people were injured to a roadside…

[VIDEO] Removing a DUI, DWI, Impaired, Over 80 in Canada

Among the most common convictions in Canada is Drinking and Driving, also known as DUI, DWI, more than 80 mgs of alcohol and a few other terms. There are over 80,000 convictions across the country for this type of offense. When you are caught drinking and driving the consequences can be severe. In this video we’ll discuss all terms that represent drinking and driving convictions in Canada, what are some of the consequences (financial, emotional and other) and how you can get those cleaned from your file.

Pardons Canada – Remove Criminal Record in Edmonton Alberta Most employers in Canada are now doing criminal background checks before hiring any employee.  This is true for most jobs including factory, warehouse, trucking, social work and even retail.  If you have a criminal record, no matter how old the conviction, it is very hard to get work due to the criminal background checks.…

Pardons Canada – 2014 Canadian Crime Stats Revealing Each year the Canadian government gathers crime statistics from across the country and publishes a report. As you can see from the table below, the conviction of “theft under $5000” is the most common conviction in Canada with over 474,000 police reported crimes. Mischief is another common conviction with over 264,000 police reported crimes.…