pardons testimonial

Pardons Canada Review – Remove Fingerprints to be safe for Employment Nowadays, most employers are doing criminal background checks for all potential employment. Even if you have been fingerprinted by the police and the charges were later dismissed, withdrawn, stayed, peace bond, diversion or absolute or conditional discharge, your prints can still show up on a criminal check.  This can be embarassing to explain to…

Pardons Canada Review – Removing a Stayed Charge in Canada

If you’ve received a stayed charge in Canada, you might assume it’s no longer an issue. But even without a conviction, police records, fingerprints, and court documents can still exist – and they may show up on background checks. This can cause problems when applying for jobs, volunteering, or travelling. While you don’t need to…

Pardons Canada – Removing a Criminal Charge that Was Stayed or Withdrawn A recent news article highlights the fact that over 40 percent of all criminal charges in Ontario are stayed or withdrawn.  This compared to only 9 percent in Quebec. If you also include absolute or conditional discharge the numbers are even higher. Many people believe that if their criminal charge is stayed or withdrawn…