Pardons Canada – “Getting stopped at the US border for having a criminal record was embarassing” We receive hundreds of calls every month from Canadians who have been turned away at the US border because of an old criminal record. We have heard many nightmare stories about people’s experience with US Customs agents when they have been denied entry to the US.  Sometimes, people are held for many hours in…

Pardons Canada – “Having a criminal record denied me the simple right to travel to the US to take my kids to Disney” If you have a criminal record, no matter how small the charge, the US government has the right to deny you entry to the US. Even if your criminal charges were dismissed, stayed, withdrawn or absolute and conditionally discharged, you may still be denied entry. Its interesting that many people who call us to…

Pardons Canada – “Now that I got my Pardon I feel free to apply for a passport to visit my family in the US” Many people with a criminal record are concerned about traveling to the US.  Understandably so, considering that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) can refuse you entry at the US border if you have a criminal record. Since June 2009, the Americans are requiring every Canadian to have a passport to cross the US…

Pardons Canada – Crossing the US Border with a criminal record has become a lot harder Since June 30th we have received more calls than in the past from Canadians who have been turned away at the US border because of an old criminal record. Even if you have a conditional or absolute discharge, withdrawn, dismissed or stayed charges may still show up because you have been fingerprinted and photographed…

Pardons Canada – “A Criminal Record can take away your dignity, self respect, pride and integrity.” Having a criminal record can have many negative consequences in your life. In addition to having issues with employment and travel to the US, a criminal record can really affect your personal image and self respect. Everyday we help people remove old criminal records with a Canada Pardon and we hear their stories about…

Pardons Canada – How to obtain a US Entry Waiver or I-194 If you have a criminal record in Canada the American government may not allow you entry into their country. We receive hundreds of calls every month from Canadians who have been refused entry at the US border because of old criminal records.  Even criminal charges that have been dismissed, acquitted, withdrawn, absolute or conditional…

Pardons Canada – “My criminal record hung like a cloud whenever travel to the US came up for discussion” If you are traveling to the US with a criminal record, it is possible that you will get turned away at the border.  Even if the criminal charge is a minor one, or if you have received a conditional or absolute discharge, the Americans have the right to deny you entry. Once you get…

Pardons Canada – Crossing the US Border with a Conditional or Absolute Discharge Many people who have been charged with a conditional or absolute discharge whether it was for theft, assault, pot possession or other criminal offences, believe that their criminal record is automatically removed over a period of time. THIS IS WRONG We get countless phone calls from people who are shocked that their criminal record…

Pardons Canada – “Having a Criminal Record Meant Not Attending My Grandmother’s Funeral” Every day we speak to people who tell us of the negative implications of having a criminal record.  Mostly, it prevents you from getting work, traveling to the US and obtaining Canadian citizenship, but in many individual cases, the emotional and personal impact is even worse. Here is a letter we received from a…