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Pardons Canada Review – Remove Fingerprints to be safe for Employment Nowadays, most employers are doing criminal background checks for all potential employment. Even if you have been fingerprinted by the police and the charges were later dismissed, withdrawn, stayed, peace bond, diversion or absolute or conditional discharge, your prints can still show up on a criminal check.  This can be embarassing to explain to…

What Does the Term “Withdrawn” Mean In Court?

For anyone that’s watched a lot of courtroom dramas or reality television in which court proceedings are covered, there has been a lot of terminology that is filtered down to the public. Words like “objection” and “overruled” are so familiar now that they are no longer even considered specialised legal language, and most people understand…

Pardons Canada Review – Removing a Stayed Charge in Canada When you are charged with a criminal offence and you go to court, if its your first offence, the outcome in court can be that the criminal charge is stayed, peace bond, diversion, withdrawn, dismissed, or discharged.  This results in a non-conviction. Many people believe that if their criminal charge was completed as a…

Pardons Canada – Removing a Criminal Charge that Was Stayed or Withdrawn A recent news article highlights the fact that over 40 percent of all criminal charges in Ontario are stayed or withdrawn.  This compared to only 9 percent in Quebec. If you also include absolute or conditional discharge the numbers are even higher. Many people believe that if their criminal charge is stayed or withdrawn…

Pardons Canada Review – How To Remove a Criminal Record in Ontario When you are fingerprinted for a criminal offence, even if the charge was later withdrawn, dismissed, stayed, peace bond, or discharged then the prints can be seen in a criminal background check and could interfere with employment and travel. Many people think that if they win in court, in other words, if the charges…

Pardons Canada – How To Remove Criminal Record in Ottawa Once you have been convicted of a crime, the criminal record will stay forever until a pardon or record suspension is granted.  This is particularly an issue if you require a criminal background check for work as it will show up and you will not be able to obtain employment. Also, the Americans can do…

Pardons Canada – Convictions for Pot Still Require Pardons or Record Suspensions Despite the new liberal government indicating their desire to change the pot laws, it can still be a criminal offence if you are in possession of pot or marijuana or a similar narcotic. If you are convicted for a pot possession charge then you will require a pardon or record suspension to get the…

[Video]Remove Criminal Record for Non-Convictions (Including Withdrawn, Peace Bond, Absolute and Conditional Discharge)

In todays video, we’ll discuss destruction of criminal history for Canadian citizens who have non-conviction records. How long you have to wait, based on your situation and why it is important to clear any non-conviction criminal history from your public records. Police services in Canada collect and retain a wide range of information about the people they come in contact with, including records of contact, allegations, withdrawn charges, acquittals, fingerprints, etc.. Even if you were charged, went to court and the charges were later dismissed, all this information may still show up on your background check or US border control check. Watch this short video to understand the difference in non-conviction records and how you can clear those from your record.

Pardons Canada Review- Criminal Record Suspension for Assault Conviction Oftentimes, if a fight breaks out between two people the police can be called and one or both of the people in the fight can be charged for assault.  It can be a small fight like a yelling match, or it can be more brutal with people winding up in the hospital as victims…

Withdrawn Assault Charges Will Stay on Record

It is not uncommon that domestic assault charges can get dismissed, withdrawn, peace bonded, stayed, or discharged once the charges are brought to court. Many people are shocked to find out that withdrawn charges will stay on record and show up on a criminal background check.  What is a File Destruction? File destruction is a…

Pardons Canada Review – Removing a Peace Bond Can Be Faster Than You Think We help hundreds of people each month to remove criminal records that act as an obstacle for employment and travel. Many criminal charges do not turn out to be full convictions, however if you were fingerprinted by the police then it can be seen in a criminal background check regardless of whether the criminal…