Pardons Canada – Delayed RCMP Criminal Checks Causing Delays with Pardon Applications Most employers in Canada are now doing criminal checks on new employees as well as existing employees in some situations. As a result there has been a huge increase in demand for criminal checks with the RCMP. If you have a criminal charge that was stayed, dismissed, withdrawn, absolute or conditional discharge, then a…

Pardons Canada – No Matter How Old the Criminal Charge You Can Still Get Refused Entry at US Border We receive hundreds of calls each week from Canadians who are shocked that they have been refused entry to the US because of a criminal conviction that is decades old.  Even if they have gone back and forth to the US hundreds of times in the past, it just takes one customs office to…

Pardons Canada – Crossing the US Border with a Conditional or Absolute Discharge Many people believe that if they have received a conditional or absolute discharge for a criminal offence, then the charges will eventually “disappear” and they will never have to worry about it again in the future. This is WRONG, and we hear about it every day how criminal background checks for employment and travel…

Pardons Canada – Criminal Background Checks with RCMP Files Still Delayed These days it seems every employer in the country is conducting criminal checks.  If you have been fingerprinted for a criminal charge, even if the charge was absolute or conditional discharge, withdrawn, stayed or dismissed, then there will be a red flag. Once a red flag is there, the employer usually requires an RCMP…

Pardons Canada – Criminal Charges that are Withdrawn, Dismissed, Stayed, Conditional or Absolute Discharge Will Still Show Up on a Criminal Check We recieve hundreds of calls each day from people who have been rejected from a job because they have an old criminal charge. Many believe that if the criminal charge has been dismissed, withdrawn, stayed, absolute or conditional discharged, then the charges will go away and no one will see anything.  This assumption is…

Pardons Canada – US Entry Visa Waiver (I-192, I-194) Required Even For a Temporary Stopover in the US Each day we recieve many calls from Canadians who have been refused entry to the US for old criminal charges.  Sometimes even the smallest charge (theft under) can be used as a reason to turn the person away at the US Border. Even if you have been fingerprinted for a criminal charge but the…

Pardons Canada – Delays in RCMP Reports Highlight Absolute, Conditional Discharge, Stayed, Withdrawn and Dismissed Criminal Charges We help hundreds of Canadians each week to remove old criminal records by way of a Canada Pardon.  Part of the process in obtaining the Pardon is to obtain an RCMP file which highlights all the criminal convictions and charges for the applicant. An RCMP file, which is the file used by employers to…

Pardons Canada – Crossing the US Border with a Conditional or Absolute Discharge Many people who get a conditional or absolute discharge believe that their criminal charge will disappear on its own.  For the purposes of traveling to the US this is NOT correct.  The Americans will still see the fact that you have been fingerprinted and they do not acknowledge the difference between a regular conviction…

Pardons Canada – NEXUS Applications Denied If You Have Been Criminally Charged We receive a lot of calls from people who have been denied a NEXUS card because they have been fingerprinted in the past for a criminal charge. If your charge was dismissed, withdrawn, stayed, conditional or absolute discharged, the Americans WILL still see that you have been fingerprinted and in most cases will deny…

Pardons Canada – Peace Bond for Assault Charges Will Show Up on Criminal Checks We have recieved numerous calls from people who were in shock that a Peace Bond was showing up in a criminal check conducted by an employer or US Customs officer. If you have been fingerprinted for an assault or uttering threats charge, and the charges were later stayed, dismissed, withdrawn, peace bond, absolute or…