Pardons Canada – “Getting stopped at the US border for having a criminal record was embarassing” We receive hundreds of calls every month from Canadians who have been turned away at the US border because of an old criminal record. We have heard many nightmare stories about people’s experience with US Customs agents when they have been denied entry to the US.  Sometimes, people are held for many hours in…

Pardons Canada – Example of a File Destruction Removing a Criminal Record If you were fingerprinted by the police and the charges were later withdrawn, dismissed, stayed, peace bond, absolute or conditional discharge then you require a file destruction to remove your prints, photos, court and police records. If you fail to do so, you criminal charge can be seen on a criminal record check which…

Pardons Canada review

Pardons Canada Review – Remove DUI, DWI, Impaired Driving Record in Alberta Drunk Driving which is also known as DUI, DWI, Driving While Impaired, Refusal to Provide Breathalizer and Over .08 of alcohol while driving is among the most common criminal record in Canada. Once you pay the fine and stay out of trouble for the perscribed time, you are eligible for a Pardon/Record Suspension.  Once…

pardons canada testimonial

Pardons Canada Review – The Long Road Back from a DUI Conviction We are always touched when we receive thank you letters from people we have helped to obtain a pardon/record suspension. In so many cases, the circumstances that led to the crime were a mixture of poor decisions and difficult work or living environments.  Often, the person is able to change their life around from…