Pardons Canada – Canada’s Crime Rate Falls in 2009 Each year Statistics Canada comes out with information regarding crime in Canada.  In 2009, there were over 2.1 Million crime related reports to the police.  This does not mean that 2.1 Million people got into trouble with the police. The top three convictions were Impaired Driving or DUI, Assault and Theft Under 5000. Many…

Pardons Canada – Court Rules Withdrawn Charges Can Stay on Record In the Ontario Court of Appeal today, a ruling was upheld allowing police to provide information to the public about criminal charges that were dismissed, withdrawn or acquitted. This has huge negative consequences for people in this situation who are trying to get a job, promotion or travel to the US. The truth…

Pardons Canada – Crossing the US Border with a Conditional or Absolute Discharge Many people who have been charged with a conditional or absolute discharge whether it was for theft, assault, pot possession or other criminal offences, believe that their criminal record is automatically removed over a period of time. THIS IS WRONG We get countless phone calls from people who are shocked that their criminal record…

Pardons Canada – A criminal record does exist in cases of peace bonds, absolute and conditional discharges, stayed, withdrawn and dismissed charges There are many people who have been charged with a criminal record and are uncertain about the negative implications it will have in their life. Many believe that lesser charges like absolute or conditional discharges, stayed, withdrawn or dismissed charges will not affect their ability to get work and travel to the US.  THEY…