If you have a criminal record and are not currently a Canadian citizen, it will be difficult to obtain Canadian citizenship or permanent residency with a criminal record.
Thankfully, once a Canada Pardon is granted, you will be safe to apply for citizenship with Immigration Canada.
Here is a letter we recently received from a person who we helped to get a Canada Pardon:
“I have been in Canada for 16 years, and applied for residence, due to the criminal record I could not receive residency in this country. Now thanks to the removal of the criminal record I have received a Pardon and will qualify to finally be a resident.”
“Thank you Pardons Canada for your wonderful work, so that I can now be free to live in this great country.”
If you have any questions regarding this topic or about Pardons and US Entry Waivers email us at [email protected] or call 1-877-929-6011.