Perhaps the most common criminal charge in Canada is DUI or Impaired Driving. This can be one of the most traumatic experiences in a persons life when they are convicted and realize the consequences of their actions.
The burden of having a criminal record can weigh heavily on a person’s emotions and psyche. Thankfully, you can obtain a Pardon for this charge after a three year time period has elapsed.
Each day we receive thank you letters from people we helped to obtain a Canada Pardon for a DUI and we read about the challenges they face by having a criminal record:
“The past three years have definitely been difficult for myself and my family.”
“The moment I was pulled over by the police that day, I knew I was going to have a challenging journey on the road to redemption.”
“It is an unsettling feeling to not only have something so important to you taken away because of a single foolish decision, but also being reminded of it every day afterward with a tarnished record. Being told that you are forbidden to get behind the wheel of a vehicle after almost 30 years of driving is certainly a humbling moment in my life.”
“I really grew as a person after doing the “Back on Track” program. I have begun to understand the consequences of my actions, and I have matured over the past few years.”
“After having my licence returned to me, I made an oath to myself and to my family to never get behind the wheel of a car if even one drop of alcohol has touched my lips; an oath I have upheld to this day, and will continue in the future.”
“Once again, I want to thank Pardons Canada for helping me through a tough time. It really does feel good, as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, to have this ugly stain on my record finally removed.”
If you have any questions regarding this topic or about Pardons and US Entry Waivers email us at [email protected] or call 1-877-929-6011.