Each day we help Canadians across the country to remove old criminal records with a Canada Pardon. A DUI, also known as Impaired Driving or Blowing Over .08, or Refusal to Take a Breathalizer is among the most common criminal conviction in Canada.
The negative consequences of having a DUI or any criminal record are numerous but mainly its a barrier to gain employment and travel to the USA.
We receive hundreds of thank you letters each month from people who we have helped to obtain a Canada Pardon. Here is a letter from a person in BC who we helped to obtain a Canada Pardon for a DUI:
“When I learned that I would have a criminal record because of my DUI, I felt like my life slowed to a halt.”
“The possibility of never being able to cross into the US and the obligation to inform potential employers were only a few of the obvious drawbacks.”
“I was very upset about the situation, but most of all I was disappointed with myself.”
“My criminal record was a secret shame that I carried with me for 5 years before taking the steps to have it removed…and now I feel deeply relieved.”
“Without Pardons Canada I would not have known what do do and how to have my criminal conviction for a DUI removed. I cannot thank Pardons Canada enough and appreciate everything they have done for me.”
“I now feel a huge weight has been lifted off my back and I can now move forward in life.”
If you have any questions regarding this topic or about Pardons and US Entry Waivers email us at [email protected] or call 1-877-929-6011.