Visitor: First let me say, I am a 16 year sober alcoholic. In 1990 or 1991, I was charged In GTA, with impaired or DUI, went to court and found guilty, sentence was, prohibited from driving for 1 year, I believe it was also automatic 30 days if caught driving, and over $2,000 fine.I got caught driving 3 times, in Hamilton, went to court, pleaded guilty paid a fine, but got lucky no jail time.
Then in 1992, this is the main one, I was hoping to get expunged if possible.I was charged in Hamilton, with violently raping 3 teenage boys, these were very trumped up charges. Then a 4th boy, a boy I had been involved with sexually, was added to the changes. All these charges would be dropped if I would give what I truly believed to be a false statement in court against my family lawyer, I refused. Then getting caught 3 times driving got added on to the charges. Then they offered me 30 days to be served on weekends, if I plead guilty to, ( what I remember) sexual interference of a minor, and testify for the crown in my lawyer’s trial, only to what I know to be the truth. Or I go to jail for 90 days on the driving charges, and take my chance at trial. I took the deal. So I think with all of that 5 or 6 times I was finger printed in Hamilton.
Pardons Canada: One pardon will remove all of your offences as long as you paid the fines for the DUI and Driving While Prohibited. The Sexual interference conviction is eligible to be pardoned as it occurred before March 2012.