DUI and Impaired Driving laws will become a lot stricter for drivers age 21 and under beginning Aug 8th, 2010.
There will be a zero tolerance for drivers 21 age and under when it comes to drinking and driving. This means you can be charged criminally for DUI if you are caught by the police.
If you are charged with a DUI or Impaired Driving this is considered a criminal record and will affect your ability to pass a criminal check. This can have many negative consequences regarding ability to get jobs and travel to the US.
We help many people obtain Canada Pardons for a DUI which will remove the criminal record from public record so that you will be safe to travel and apply for work without the worry of a criminal check showing your criminal record.
If you have any questions regarding this topic or about Pardons and US Entry Waivers email us at [email protected] or call 1-877-929-6011.