Pardons Canada has been helping Canadians to remove criminal records and obtain US Entry Waivers for over 25 years. As a result of our experience and expertise we are often asked to speak at conferences across the country.
Many criminal lawyers refer their Pardons/Record Suspensions work to Pardons Canada because the process takes a long time and their fees would be too high to be reasonable to obtain a Pardon or Record Suspension. Also, the process is complicated and Pardons Canada are the experts in navigating the process to get the pardon/record suspension application approved.
Here is the contact information from the Trial Lawyers Association and a short video clip of Pardons Canada’s presentation to the lawyers in their most recent conference held in Vancouver.
1111-1100 Melville Street, Vancouver BC V6E 4A6
T: 604 696-6521 (direct) 604-682-5343 (main line) 1-888-558-5222 (toll free)
F: 604-682-0373
Website: www.tlabc.org Email: [email protected]