Having a criminal record can be a huge barrier to employment, especially since most employers in Canada are conducting criminal background checks prior to hiring.
If you are on social assistance or disability pension, you may be able to get funding from your social worker as it is in their best interest to help you get back to work and get out of the system of assistance payments.
Pardons Canada undertakes all necessary steps and procedures for removing your criminal record, including: Pardons/Record Suspensions, Purges, Photograph & Fingerprint Destruction, and U.S. Entry Waivers.

Author: Pardons Canada
Pardons Canada is a national non-profit organization which assists individuals in removing a past criminal offence from public record. We undertakes all necessary steps and procedures for removing your criminal record, including: Pardons/Record Suspensions, Purges, Photograph & Fingerprint Destruction, and U.S. Entry Waivers.