No doubt the police have become more lenient when it comes time for arresting those with possession of marijuana. However, last year alone in Ontario there were over 10,000 convictions for pot possession.
All 10,000 lives will be affected by having a criminal record and it could impact their ability to get jobs or travel to the US.
Thankfully, you can obtain a Canada Pardon for pot possession and your charges will be removed from public record so that you will be safe for work and travel purposes.
According to the recent article below entitled “Police Chief Support Marijuana Decriminalization” it is possible that one day Marijuana will be decriminalized in Canada. But until that time, make sure you obtain a Canada Pardon if you are charged and convicted.
If you are stopped at the US Border with a pot possession charge, no matter how small the quantity. They will turn you away at the US Border. When this happens, you will need a US Entry Waiver or I-194 to re-enter the US. If you have never been denied entry to the US, its possible to obtain a Canada Pardon and then you may be safe to travel to the US without being detected.
If you have any questions regarding this topic or about Pardons and US Entry Waivers email us at [email protected] or call 1-877-929-6011.