Travelling to the US Once a Pardon is Granted

For Canadians with a criminal record, travelling to the United States can be stressful. Criminal charges, even those withdrawn or dismissed, can lead to complications at the US border, often resulting in denied entry. Obtaining a Canadian pardon offers hope, helps to seal a criminal record and potentially opens the door to smoother travel experiences.…

Pardons Canada – A Conditional Discharge Can Haunt You Well Beyond the Sentence Some people believe that a conditional discharge will simply disappear over time.  This is not the case.  Your fingerprints, photos, court and police records can stay on record until you apply for a File Destruction. The Americans do not distinguish between a suspended sentence, regular conviction or conditional or absolute discharge.  If they uncover…

Pardons Canada – Further Insight Into Bill C-23 and the Proposed Legislation Change for Pardons in Canada There are many Canadians who are concerned about the potential changes that are being proposed to the Pardon process in Canada with the introduction of Bill C-23. We found the following blog by Michael Carabash of Dynamic Lawyers to be very insightful regarding the proposed legislation: Following up on my last blog, where I…