U.S. Entry Waiver Services in Toronto
There are many disadvantages associated with having a criminal record in Toronto. Not the least of these is how it can restrict your ability to travel. Toronto’s proximity to many attractions and destinations in the United States makes an occasional visit very appealing.
Some people are unaware that U.S. immigration officers can, and often do, ask for your identification to run a criminal record check. Once a criminal record is found, the individual has an FBI and Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) file created and their entry into the U.S. can and probably will be refused.
Traveling Without a Toronto U.S. Entry Waiver
You may be wondering what might happen if you try to enter the U.S. with a criminal record and without acquiring a U.S. Entry Waiver. The truth is if you don’t already have a file with INS, and the immigration officer doesn’t perform a criminal record search, you may be allowed in without any difficulty. On the other hand, if your record is uncovered, you may be detained, questioned, fingerprinted and photographed. Your entry will most likely be refused.
If you are subsequently stopped again by a U.S. customs officer without a U.S. Entry Waiver, you will probably be treated more harshly: U.S. immigration is permitted to seize your property, you may be detained for several hours and even handcuffed. If you are traveling by plane, your ticket will be voided, and you will be unable to collect cancellation insurance.