Pardons Canada: Appealing a File Destruction

The police can deny the application for a file destruction of prints and police records for charges including assault, theft, fraud, that have been discharged, withdrawn, dismissed, peace bond, diversion or stayed. In addition to making the original application for a file destruction, Pardons Canada will appeal a denial of file destruction as part of…

Pardons Canada Review – How it feels to remove an assault conviction Assault is the most common criminal offence in Canada.  An assault conviction can come in many different forms including domestic assault, assault with a weapon, assault causing bodily harm.  Many assault charges are settled prior to a conviction being handed down in the form of a peace bond, stay of proceedings (stayed), withdrawn, dismissed,…

Pardons Canada Review- Criminal Record Suspension for Assault Conviction Oftentimes, if a fight breaks out between two people the police can be called and one or both of the people in the fight can be charged for assault.  It can be a small fight like a yelling match, or it can be more brutal with people winding up in the hospital as victims…

Withdrawn Assault Charges Will Stay on Record

It is not uncommon that domestic assault charges can get dismissed, withdrawn, peace bonded, stayed, or discharged once the charges are brought to court. Many people are shocked to find out that withdrawn charges will stay on record and show up on a criminal background check.  What is a File Destruction? File destruction is a…

Pardons Canada Review- The Relief of Removing a Criminal Record There can be a huge emotional and psychological burden of having a criminal record.  Many people who have committed a criminal offence are remorseful and wish to continue with their life as a law abiding citizen. Most employers and volunteer agencies are doing criminal background checks so having a criminal record can really impact…

Pardons Canada – 2014 Canadian Crime Stats Revealing Each year the Canadian government gathers crime statistics from across the country and publishes a report. As you can see from the table below, the conviction of “theft under $5000” is the most common conviction in Canada with over 474,000 police reported crimes. Mischief is another common conviction with over 264,000 police reported crimes.…

Pardons Canada Review – Removing a Peace Bond Can Be Faster Than You Think We help hundreds of people each month to remove criminal records that act as an obstacle for employment and travel. Many criminal charges do not turn out to be full convictions, however if you were fingerprinted by the police then it can be seen in a criminal background check regardless of whether the criminal…

pardons canada testimonial

Pardons Canada Review – The Importance of Removing a Criminal Record From a Personal and Family Perspective The road to recovery for an alcohol and drug addiction can be long and painful.  Through that period people can fall into criminal activity under the influence, including theft, assault, mischief, impaired driving, to name a few. Often, as life unfolds, the person if they are lucky and work hard are able to get…