Pardons Canada: Destruction Request for a Peace Bond

Visitor:  I’m contacting you in relation to a file purge/destruction request. I reached out to Halifax Police however they aren’t very responsive. I’m inquiring on your service to assist with file destruction and removal of information from CPIC. In reference to a case which was started in 2017 and was immediately dropped/dismissed during the trial on 18 Aug…

Pardons Canada: Appealing a File Destruction

The police can deny the application for a file destruction of prints and police records for charges including assault, theft, fraud, that have been discharged, withdrawn, dismissed, peace bond, diversion or stayed. In addition to making the original application for a file destruction, Pardons Canada will appeal a denial of file destruction as part of…

Pardons Canada: Assault charge withdrawn, can I travel to Mexico?

Visitor: I am inquiring whether I have travel restrictions related to a withdrawn assault charge this year.I was arrested and charged for assault with a weapon causing bodily harm in March 2020. Although I had a strong self defense case, I chose to pay restitution (negotiated between my lawyer and the lawyer of my ‘victim’)…

Pardons Canada – Step 1 In Removing a Criminal Record If you have been fingerprinted by the police then you will need to get the fingerprints removed so that you are safe for employment and travel. If the charges were withdrawn, dismissed, stayed, diversion, peace bond or absolute or conditional discharge then this is considered a non-conviction.  However, even if this is a non-conviction,…