Pardons Canada – Volunteering with a Criminal Record Most volunteer positions now require a criminal background check before being accepted for the position. If you have an old criminal record or even if you have been charged with a criminal offence and the charge was later withdrawn, dismissed, stayed, peace bond or discharged, you will not be able to volunteer. Once a…

pardons canada review

Pardons Canada Review – How Long Does It Take to Remove a Criminal Record The timing of removing a criminal record really depends on the courts and police and the sentencing of the conviction. Many people call us eagerly wanting to remove their criminal record by way of pardon, record suspension or file destruction.  Usually they are calling because the criminal record is an obstacle to getting employment,…

Pardons Canada – 2014 Canadian Crime Stats Revealing Each year the Canadian government gathers crime statistics from across the country and publishes a report. As you can see from the table below, the conviction of “theft under $5000” is the most common conviction in Canada with over 474,000 police reported crimes. Mischief is another common conviction with over 264,000 police reported crimes.…

Pardons Canada Review- The Relief of Removing a Criminal Record There can be a huge emotional and psychological burden of having a criminal record.  Many people who have committed a criminal offence are remorseful and wish to continue with their life as a law abiding citizen. Most employers and volunteer agencies are doing criminal background checks so having a criminal record can really impact…

Pardons Canada Review- Criminal Record Suspension for Assault Conviction Oftentimes, if a fight breaks out between two people the police can be called and one or both of the people in the fight can be charged for assault.  It can be a small fight like a yelling match, or it can be more brutal with people winding up in the hospital as victims…

[VIDEO] 5 Things to Consider When Choosing Help for Your Record Suspension or US Waiver Application If you are searching “pardons” online you will be confused with the choices and options for obtaining a pardon, record suspension or US Entry Waiver. When doing your research it is important to consider a number of things before choosing the right path in removing your criminal record. The following video suggest five things…

Pardons Canada – Pardon Fee and Wait Times for Pardons Being Reviewed Pardons Canada has been actively  lobbying the Liberal government to reverse some of the laws set by the former Harper government with Bill C10 pertaining to pardons in Canada. Here is an open letter sent by Pardons Canada to the current Prime Minister and Public Safety Minister urging changes to the law: Open Letter…

Pardons Canada – How To Remove Criminal Record in Ottawa Once you have been convicted of a crime, the criminal record will stay forever until a pardon or record suspension is granted.  This is particularly an issue if you require a criminal background check for work as it will show up and you will not be able to obtain employment. Also, the Americans can do…