Pardons Canada – Beware of Online Pardon Agency Scammers Every year we hear of another Pardons agency that has gone out of business, leaving hundreds of applicants stranded. We have recently received many calls and emails from distressed customers of Express Pardons who recently shut its doors.  This is a particularly disturbing situation because Express Pardons spent tens of thousands of dollars on…

Pardons Canada – Convictions for Pot Still Require Pardons or Record Suspensions Despite the new liberal government indicating their desire to change the pot laws, it can still be a criminal offence if you are in possession of pot or marijuana or a similar narcotic. If you are convicted for a pot possession charge then you will require a pardon or record suspension to get the…

Pardons Canada – Receiving a Pardon for an Assault Charge Has Changed My Life Each day we help many Canadians obtain Canada Pardons for past criminal charges so that they can move forward in their life. Domestic Assault is perhaps the most common criminal charge in the country.  Even if the criminal charge has been dismissed, withdrawn, stayed, conditional or absolute discharged, the record of fingerprinting, photographs, court…

Pardons Canada Review – Remove Criminal Record in Winnipeg, Manitoba Pardons Canada has been helping Canadians to remove criminal records and obtain US Entry Waivers for over 25 years. Usually when someone inquires with Pardons Canada they either have a criminal conviction or have been charged with a criminal offence and they are worried that the criminal record will get in the way of…

Fraud Under $5000

Fraud Under $5000

What is fraud under $5000? When it comes to criminal activity, one way to distinguish one type of crime from another is through “class.” This measuring system is applied to acts with a strong financial nature; they don’t necessarily involve violence or theft in the traditional sense and are often referred to as “white collar…

Pardons Canada – Letter from Pardons Canada Opposing Changes to Existing Pardon Legislation Bill C23B We have recently been active in opposing the changes proposed by the Tory Government in Bill C23 regarding current Pardons rules.  The current system WORKS, as evidenced by a 96% success rate of pardoned offenders NOT re-offending. Below is a letter from Pardons Canada to the opposition parties regarding one specific clause of the…

Pardons Canada – Bill C-23B Proposal for Changes to Pardon Legislation Being Debated This Month The Federal Government is currently proposing some significant changes to the Pardon legislation that could make it harder to get pardons and that is trying to eliminate the word “pardon” and replace it with “record suspension.” Pardons Canada is currently working closely with government officials at the committee level to oppose certain proposed changes…