Pardons Canada – “Having a criminal record denied me the simple right to travel to the US to take my kids to Disney” If you have a criminal record, no matter how small the charge, the US government has the right to deny you entry to the US. Even if your criminal charges were dismissed, stayed, withdrawn or absolute and conditionally discharged, you may still be denied entry. Its interesting that many people who call us to…

pardons canada testimonial

Pardons Canada Review – The Relief of Removing a Criminal Record Having a criminal record can be a huge emotional burden and many people carry the burden for a long time before seeking a solution.  Even if the person is gainfully employed, they feel that the criminal record is a weight on their shoulders and that everyone can see it.  Also, their freedom is hindered…

Pardons Canada – “I had no idea getting a pardon was possible.” There are many Canadians who have been charged with a criminal offence and have no idea that they are eligible for a Canada Pardon. They carry the label of “criminal” with them for many years and can suffer many negative consequences as a result.  Particularly a criminal record will limit your ability to cross…

Pardons Canada – “A Criminal Record can take away your dignity, self respect, pride and integrity.” Having a criminal record can have many negative consequences in your life. In addition to having issues with employment and travel to the US, a criminal record can really affect your personal image and self respect. Everyday we help people remove old criminal records with a Canada Pardon and we hear their stories about…

Pardons Canada – “Being labeled a criminal even when charges are dismissed or withdrawn is a burden” Every day we receive letters of appreciation from people we have helped to get a Canada Pardon which effectively removes criminal records from public record.  Even if the criminal charge has been stayed, dismissed, withdrawn, acquitted, absolute or conditional discharge, a file destruction is necessary to remove these charges from public record. Often the…

Pardons Canada – NEXUS Will Be Denied With Any Past Criminal Involvement Each day we get a number of calls or emails from people who are shocked to find out that the Americans know about their criminal charges even though in most cases, the charges were either withdrawn, dismissed, stayed, absolute or conditionally discharged. A criminal check done by NEXUS will indeed turn up any criminal…

Getting Bonded with a Criminal Record

Understanding if you are bondable and the challenges and pathways to becoming bondable with a criminal record is crucial for personal and professional development. Learn how to improve your chances of getting bonded with a criminal record, the importance of being bondable, and how Canadians can navigate these challenges to secure employment and achieve their…

Pardons Canada – You Cannot Volunteer or Coach with a Criminal Record There are many reasons why people choose to obtain a pardon/record suspension. Mostly it is for employment or travel but often times volunteer positions and coaching for children’s sports teams now require a clean criminal background check. If you have a criminal record and even if the charges were withdrawn, dismissed, stayed, absolute or…